Please notice that not all changes are shown on this small map. Please use the "Create Preview" button for this.

In addition to the generated HTML-File you will also need the following files in the same folder: util.js, map.css,

General Map Settings [hide]

Coordinates / Zoom [hide]

Save current map view, Jump to saved map view

Layer settings [hide]

Tiles@Home Layer no longer available. Existing maps that use Tiles@Home may not longer work: Forum Thread (German)


Default layer

More settings

Controls [hide]

Tracks [show]

Comma-seperated list of GPX tracks, optional name and color in brackets. Example: track1.gpx, track2.gpx (Name #FF0000), track3.gpx (Name). Please note that as the given track-files are not stored on this server, you wont be able to see them in any preview and may even get errors.

Markers [hide]

New Marker

Choose Coordinates

Current icon choose Icon

Click on icon to choose it:
Icon 0 Icon 1 Icon 2 Icon 3 Icon 4 Icon 5 Icon 6 Icon 7 Icon 8 Icon 9 Icon 10 Icon 11

Draw [hide]

New Drawing

Edit drawing (Points: 0)
Only Polygons:


Reset form

Save result

Save/load current state

